Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fifteenth Day


so many things running through my head
hurts to even keep my eyes open
papers after papers to do
projects coming up
i feel like its going to hit me
all at once
when that happens
don't be surprised if i've been MIA
for a couple days

ever wonder why there's not just one answer?
an answer for everything
that would make everything better?
that's why i like math
you do all this shit
but there's only one answer
and it's done
life's the complete opposite of that
you do one thing
and the consequences affect you forever
in many ways
one answer
one way
so damn hard to find that

oh well
life's an adventure right?
that's what my book says
but yea
gotta think
i'm lucky
people have it worse
some have no rights
no chances
just living under control
i have the opportunity to do whatever i want
with limits
but still
we are all given the opportunity
to do something with ourselves
whether or not we do something about it
is a different story

spring break for me starts tomorrow afternoon
finally gives me some time
to relax
think about shit
settle shit
maybe have some fun

that's all for now
i'm off to watch some tv
and pass on...

quote of the day:
"There was a moment when I used to blame
everything and everyone. I didn't get no
answers 'cause I was asking the wrong questions.
You have to ask the right questions."

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