Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 26

been home alll day
don't think i went outside today
pretty sad no?
well my day started at 3 ish
so that's gotta count for something

i just finished watching gran torino
it was a good ass movie
with a message laid out for you
and if u don't see it
no offense but you're stupid
now i have to write a paper on it
between 4 and 12 pages
random right?

have the new tv shows and movies
just gotten more shitty?
or have we grown up
and not think that the same shit is funny anymore
are we over the same lame jokes and techniques?
or is someone gettin hit in the balls still funny?
i dunno
i watch a lot of tv and many movies
and things get old
new comedies aren't as funny
i'm starting to like the movies that are serious
but give subtle jokes
in maybe a sarcastic way
i dunno that's just me

another pointless blog
who reads this thing? haha
i can't wait till like 20 years down the line
if i can still look back and read this
sometimes i wonder what i was thinkin
when i did something 5 years ago
sometimes 5 weeks ago
that's just me
i think about things way too much
ask anyone who really knows me
i can talk about random things for days
topics that matter of course
topics that no one cares to think of

well i'm off to maybe sleep some
class tomorrow then who knows what
stay classy...

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