Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Eleventh Day

Sorry if my blogs have been getting sloppy
been busy with some stuff
and haven't had one of those
thinking days in a while
this is going to be another quick update

last night
none other than ricks garage
started playing monopoly
damn i suck at that game
i get so unlucky
i'm bankrupt within a few turns
but i'm working on my techniques
justin ended up winning twice that night
got the name the mexican mafia
he owned a bunch of shit
and owned my land too
ended up getting home at 3:30
then had to wake up for school at 9 the next day

nothing exciting today
went to school
nothing worth talking about there
after school
met up with marcel to go donate some blood and seaman
minus the seaman
so we got there
and the lady put the needle in my arm
i swear that thing is as thick as a capri sun straw
but i continued anyway
anything to save lives
so i'm chillin there on the chair
and some girl walks in to donate as well
so she sets up to get the needle inserted
and i guess the nurse missed?
cuz a little blood squirted out
causing the girl to scream
and eventually throw up
causing the other new nurse to vomit as well
and drop bags of fresh blood on the floor
another graphic story
bottom line
i finished and got the hell out of there

after wards went back to ricks
played some dodgeball with the neighbors
kicked some ass
but thats not important

what is important is the bet of the year
as we were sitting in the garage
we decided to come up with a little wager for matt
you might know matt
goes to sac
has a blog
yes that matt
we told him that he must lose 65 pounds
by July 31st
justin told him that he would
give him $1000 if he could do that
they agreed and it starts tomorrow
so that gives him about 4 months
think he could do it?
only time will tell
you can show your opinion
in the poll on the right
it will be anonymous

i will keep you updated with his progress
but for now
i must catch up on some sleep

quote of the day:
"Why the fuck was it a choice between Muhammad and Mclovin!"

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 10

didn't blog yesterday
was pretty upset with myself
oh well i was too tired
and needed my sleep
but i will still tell u my night

did nothing all day sunday
worked on some homework
then left at 9 to the gym
for some more 5 v 5 bball
matt and i were guarding each other
sorry i had to embarrass you with those shots matt
just kidding
but i actually made a couple
matt might have gotten some rebounds here and there
but rebounds don't win games
points do!

after that
headed to ricks to chill in the garage once again
got another game of hold em goin on
i did pretty well i think
came in third
if it was for money
that might be another story
just went home and slept

waking up at 8 is ridiculous
i don't think there are enough hours in a day
so i picked up some coffee on my way to school
oh by the way
some guy decided to cut me off while i was driving today
so i drove around him
and got in front of him
and stopped in the middle of the street
and got out
he got out as well and yelled at me
so i shot him in the neck
and said 'thanks for cutting me off'
he didn't say anything

i realize that life is somewhat boring
so if nothing exciting happens
i might make something up
i think i should be able to write about whatever i want
and not be censored for any reason
so if you feel offended
nobody cares
but i won't say if it's true or not
obviously this one isn't
but who knows for next time

so after this incident
i went to my sociology class again
today we talked about std's
fascinating right?
our teacher brought up rainbow parties
its not a gay thing
but its actually kind of gross
and somewhat colorful
no pun intended
i wont get into the graphic details of these parties
but when the teacher mentioned it
one girl got all excited
and the class looks at her differently now...

then went to math class
learned that there are 798 possible area codes
how exciting
now i'm home and have to write some papers
until then
stay classy

one last thing
19 years ago today
Matthew Abrahim was born
from the little baby in the incubator
to the beautiful man he is today
Happy Birthday, Matt.

quote of the day:
"Brick, where'd you get a hand grenade?"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ninth Day

Night of Terror
just kidding
not really
but we'll get to that later

woke up around 12 ish today?
had some breakfast brought to me
french toast is amazing
went back to sleep
woke up later
stayed home all day
tried to do my 2 pages for english
took a while cuz of something called a television
kept staring at me all day
finally showered and left
around 8 or 9 to ricks
thats where it began

i get to ricks
and we chill in the garage of course
we set up the table
to play a little hold 'em
i did pretty well i must say
got a 7 card straight in one game
too bad it stops at 5 though
but that's besides the point

so we started around 10
and played till about 2
when out of nowhere
a stack of about 20 cups
fell off a chair behind the car
no one was within 20 feet of the chair
everyone was sitting on a couch
it stood there all night
and i guess it decided to fall over?
with the ping pong balls falling out
the garage doors were closed
no way for a gust of wind to blow through
normally weird stuff like this doesn't bother me
but this freaked us all out
except justin who tried to explain it
couldn't come up with anything
so we got the hell outta there

now i'm home
with nothing to watch
family feud is on
name something kids flush down the toilet
number one answer?

right about now i would go on a rant
but its 3 in the morning
and i'm still kinda freaked out
i'll leave with this thought
anonymity is the reason for the downfall of today's world
more about that another day

quote of the day
"the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing
the world that he didn't exist."

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 8

another quick post
tonight was alrightttt
wasn't as i great as i thought
had some friends over
played bp for a little
me and justin dominated 4-0
seems that everyone was too tired tonight
didnt feel like drinkin or anything
oh well it was chill

i learned that walnut is pretty sad
you say that you're gonna throw a kickback
and people who you haven't talked to in years
hit you up seeing if anything is going on
i guess nothing really happens around here
how lame

after everyone left around 12 ish i think?
damn thats early
me, justin, jordan, cupe, and omar just sat
and talked about so much shit
ivan was there too
but of course
he was sleeping in a chair
but yea
we talked about random shit
like controlling yourself in dreams
talked about stereotypes and mass media
talked about the current president
and compared him to bush
talked about sleep walking
and about some other people
we seriously talked for 3 hours
didn't realize it
until jordan looked at his phone
and saw that it was 3:30
so i packed up everything and
now i'm about to sleep
maybe tomorrow will be better
we'll just wait and see
i guess there's a that 70's show
marathon all day today
so i can watch that right now
till i fall asleep
until then

quote of the day
"that's me grabbing the bull by the horns"

Friday, March 27, 2009

Seventh Day

quick post right now
nothing exciting happened today
woke up around noon ish?
then did math homework
started around 1
had to take a break around 2
to drive my bro to his friend's work
they're going to vegas for the weekend
lucky right?
i realized something a little while ago
when my bro got his id
when he was 16
and like 100 pounds skinnier
he kinda looked like me
so when he turns 21 this july
i can use his id :)

just finished my math homework around 5 ish
now i'm about to get ready
we'll see how tonight turns out
haven't drank in a couple weeks now
since marcel's party
i have the bruises to prove it

side note
today marks Jordan Loyo's 19th year being alive
Happy Birthday my good friend

i'll leave you guys with a video
i tried to post a while ago
but youtube blocked it
damn copyright rules
do they really need money for something
they made 30 years ago?
i guess when 8 million just isn't enough
they need 9 million
i'm not trying to make money off it
its part of a damn video game
greed kills man

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 6

really exciting day today!
well actually did more than i would
remember when i showed up late to english
that one day?
and the teacher talked shit?
well today i showed up five minutes early
anddd we all sat there
for 10 minutes
while the teacher graded papers
good timing right?
and turns out the 5 page paper i did
for english
wasn't due today
due next tuesday
how convenient
moving on...

after film class
rushed home
to try to make the 2:40 showing of I love you, man
damn traffic and road construction
and the fact that i got every red light possible
didnt make it to that showing
so chilled with the weinberger for a bit
and saw the 4:20 showing
had a little man-date with him
it was us two and two other people in the show
romantic right?
but yea
the movie was alright
not their best
had funny parts
but most of it was awkward and annoying
they tried too hard
and didn't really send a message out
to be good to your friends
sarah marshall was better
rent that shit. watch it. enjoy it. embrace it.

after that
just got some chick fil a
free sandwich thursdays
then came home to rest
i don't know if i'm going out tonight
might just wait for tomorrow

thinking time...
you may have remembered my first post
if you don't
i brought up the point of selfishness
and how everyone is selfish
and looks out for themselves
and all i said was think about others
so one might say
hey, brian.
if you do stuff for others
then you'll be a pushover
and people will walk all over you.
and i say fuck you
just kidding
but yea
just because you don't think
about yourself all the time
doesn't mean people will take advantage of you
stand up for your fucking self
draw a line
make sure people know that line
and that you wouldn't do something for someone
if they wouldn't help you out in the same way
play big parts
work on it
that is all...

quote of the day
"i see a lotta pain behind those eyes."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fifth Day

pretty chill day today
getting hotter
which is not cool
for march weather
damn its almost april already
oh well at least my first year of college is over
still dont know what i want to do with my life
maybe next semester i'll know?

woke up early again today
went to my sociology class
today's topic?
the goods and bads of sex
pretty interesting to discuss it in class
even though we pretty much all know it
the pressure for girls to do it
and the double standards for men
oh yea and it turns out my teacher has watched porn
she says it negatively affects the relationship
shows love in the wrong way
haha pretty awkward

then went to math class
nothing special
dont really talk to anyone at school
call it being anit-social
call it being shy
i dont care
i dont really want to talk to people
its just that uncomfortable feeling
when they talk to you like they know you
and you have to pretend to laugh
at their lame jokes
oh well

joseph's blog had me thinking
about a sign i read a while ago
posted at some small business company
the guy wrote to his customers
i dont remember it all
but he said something like:

'i work hard everyday
and a portion of my paycheck goes to the government
for what? to be handed out in welfare checks to those who need them.
now i'm not against helping others. but i have one problem.
i took a drug test to get this job. to be able to provide for my family.
now dont you think it's only fair that those receiving these checks take
a drug test also? it shouldnt be right that the government is handing out
this money to those who are just going to spend it on drugs. and not find ways
to help themselves. not saying everyone on welfare does drugs, but its only fair
in my opinion.'

now i dont know if this is true
but i agree with this
i think its fair
why help someone out who doesnt help themselves?
going back to the topic of selfishness
its not selfish to give money to others
but it is selfish to take that money and waste it
think about it

quote of the day
"today, junior!"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 4

ok day today
in the morning had a little bit of a rough time
woke up so tired once again
and while shaving my face
i accidentally cut my upper lip
blood everywhere
turns out i didnt cut it fully through
so there was a little piece of skin hanging off
so i pulled it out
sorry for the graphic story

but moving on
got to school
had english first today
and all the other times i show up at least 5 minutes early
to english class
and the teacher always leaves to take a piss or whatever
so today i was running late
but i figured hey the teacher's always late too
but no
he was on time
and i walk into class
cuttin off the teacher's lecture
with everyone staring at me
and the teacher saying he wished he had a tazer
so he could taze late students

after that went to my next class
and then came home
had some chipotle
and started reading my story
that i had to do a thematica analysis on
sounds intense right
but its just a summary kinda

i've been thinking once again
is stupidity happiness now?
seems that everyone "dumbs" down themselves
to appeal to the next person
i guess whatever it takes to be funny right?
not trying to say i'm smart
but whats laziness going to get you?
a quick laugh now
but then what?
think about it

last quote of the day
"lunch has been canceled, due to lack of hustle."

Monday, March 23, 2009

Third Day

pretty good day today
was so tired when i woke up at 8 ish this morning
went to starbucks
got my machiatto
kept me up
so i get to school kinda early
and i'm looking through the streets for parking
cuz the lots always full
and i see this nice spot
not too far
right under a tree
the closest i've ever parked
so i park there
come back after my two classes
and get a damn ticket
turns out they decide to put a no parking sign there
on the street i've been parkin on for the past two semesters
50 damn dollars
pissed me off for a about an hour
so i just got some flame broiler and came home to grub

so today in my sociology class
we talked about relationships
i realized in my past relationships
i got jealous way too easily
and was insecure
but oh well
sometimes things dont work out how you planned
a learning experience right?
thats how i see it
until next time

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 2

this weekend = boring
i swear nothing happens in walnut
or at least nothing worth going to
i'm thinkin of having a kickback friday or saturday
we'll see how that turns out

but lets recap shall we

homework all day
then went to ricks at night
got there and rick john jordan joseph and berger were playin bp
and justin was on poker stars of course
matt was supposed to come
but he was bein a shady foo haha
just kiddin matt
ended up watchin heavyweights then left

ricks again!
big surprise haha
ricks is chill though
got there and we left to go off roading in the Rav
ended up getting stuck by matts house
ricks car was literally on two wheels
about to tip
i did my duty by sitting in the car
evening it out :)
so we got out
went back to ricks
ended up watchin dodgeball then bounced

homework all day again
my english teacher is a jackass
talks about college students not knowing
the difference between to, too, and two
then he tells us his war stories
how fun
went to the gym at 9
played basketball with the group
i think we played for a half hour
and both teams had 30 points combined?
pretty sad
its cuz no one passed me the ball
they dont know that my jump shot is a killer
but anyways
everyone went home
and now i'm off to sleep
till the next post
i'm out

First Day

why do people posts these things?
so the world can see
what they're thinking?
when they can just talk to them?
i don't know why i decided to make one
just boredom i guess
gets the best of us right?

i guess i've just been thinking
about where i'm going with my life
don't know what i want to do when i grow up
i could careless
whatever i end up doing
i want to enjoy it
and i want to be successful at it
guess thats what everyone wants right?
but people just assume they're gonna get that
that it's just going to be handed to them
because the way i see some people
they're not going to do shit with their lives
they're sheltered and can fuck up anything
because everything can be fixed right?
all you need is a few bucks right?
why does money seem to solve everything
why does money change people
think for your fucking self
dont be fake
dont put up an act
be your fucking self
everyone is mostly corrupted
looks out for themselves
gets the best of us
no one cares about the next person
they just care if whatever they do
is good for themselves
and that they only benefit
and then people judge
dont fucking judge
why hate someone else?
just because you are insecure with yourself

sorry for my ranting
just been thinking about this
none of this is about my friends though
my friends are what keep me going

tonight i drove through three oaks
looking at the huge houses
and i thought to myself
i'm going to be successful in life
i know it
at whatever i decide to do
and i'm going to buy one of those houses
just for my mom to live in
because she's done everything for me
and i want her to have a great life
after all the hard work she's done to give me a great life
i just want to make her proud
and try to be a good person
how many people try to be a good person?
do they think that 60 years from now
if they ask someone if they've led a good life
that the answer will be yes?
doubt it

all i'm just saying
is think
think before you do something
think about what your doing with your life
think about what i've said
seems that some people
forgot how to do that

oh well
thats all about i have to say
i dont care who reads this
i dont care what you say about this
just dont tell me
i don't know how often i'm going to post things on here
we'll just have to wait and see