Friday, March 27, 2009

Seventh Day

quick post right now
nothing exciting happened today
woke up around noon ish?
then did math homework
started around 1
had to take a break around 2
to drive my bro to his friend's work
they're going to vegas for the weekend
lucky right?
i realized something a little while ago
when my bro got his id
when he was 16
and like 100 pounds skinnier
he kinda looked like me
so when he turns 21 this july
i can use his id :)

just finished my math homework around 5 ish
now i'm about to get ready
we'll see how tonight turns out
haven't drank in a couple weeks now
since marcel's party
i have the bruises to prove it

side note
today marks Jordan Loyo's 19th year being alive
Happy Birthday my good friend

i'll leave you guys with a video
i tried to post a while ago
but youtube blocked it
damn copyright rules
do they really need money for something
they made 30 years ago?
i guess when 8 million just isn't enough
they need 9 million
i'm not trying to make money off it
its part of a damn video game
greed kills man

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