Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fifty-Fifth Day

"I was drunk and angry and stupid... and blogging."

My life is so routine it's ridiculous. I need something to do. I need an idea. (inside joke). One more year hopefully. One more year till I hopefully move out to a school that is far far away. Well not too far. Still in California, but not commuting distance. Nothing seems to be new anymore. Seeing re-runs and remakes only makes it worse. Doesn't anyone try to think of something new for a change? No. Why you ask? Because it's not worth it. There's always the risk factor. What does it come down to? Money. Why take the risk with something new when you can redo something that was already popular once before? No imagination. No effort. Laziness. I am writing this to you because I need something to keep me busy from writing my personal statements that I need to apply to UC's. For you foreign students (you know who you are), UC stands for University of California. With Cal States, we just fill in the blanks. What classes have you taken, and what grades have you gotten. Now for UC's, they want to know what makes you, "you." (I'm probably going to have a bunch of punctuation errors so go screw yourself for caring. This is a blog, not an editorial in the New Yorker). One more year... dot dot dot. New challenges. New excitements. How great, right? Not really. I'm sure I'll just fall back into routine one I get things going again. It's all a cycle. It's all a bubble. Once that bubble bursts, we're all screwed. I quote a lot. So forgive me. I have nothing or no one to write about, but for those of you with a 20 second attention span, you probably haven't even gotten this far on this blog. Why read right? Why not just be told everything? Follow directions and stick to them. Don't do things for yourself. No. That's thinking outside of the box. That's going against everything that they teach you. Read this. Write that. Think this. Do that. Blah. Blah. But wait. Wait a minute. Once you come up with an idea, an idea that can actually sell. They want it. It's then that they'll give you some consideration. So let's not celebrate the creative, let's celebrate the lazy. I'm not saying I'm the hardest worker out there. Because I'm not. I'm blogging for Christ's sake. I'm not out there working my ass off to support myself. Because I am already supported. I'm sheltered. And there lies the problem. Everyone's sheltered these days. (Now until we're 26). I haven't re-read this thing or proofread it, so if it sounds ridiculous, I apologize. But let's face it, maybe 1 person will make it this far. And for you I say, "thanks." Until next time, keep your head up.

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